Your opinion

Your opinion

Monday, June 18, 2012


OK, first of all I want to make it VERY CLEAR I am a God fearing person. The contents of this post do not make me doubt Him at all, nor do they lessen my reverence for Him. I worship Him. But there is a matter which I must get out to the universe called the internet.

My mother and I have been...disagreeing about some family history items, specifically scrapbooks. My mom is currently scanning in all our family scrapbooks (tearing them apart in the process) and then tossing almost everything into the trash.

Now I understand technology. I understand what an amazing thing it is and how good of quality you can get. I also understand it is a lot more space effective. HOWEVER I have a few comments.

First! I DO NOT TRUST MY MOTHER WITH TECHNOLOGY! Seriously, Microsoft used to hire my mother to beta test their equipment because she was completely computer ILLITERATE! She actually told them once she thought the X in the corner would blow up the computer if you pressed it. More recently she told me I had to show her how to find the files she saved...because if it isn't on the desktop she has no idea where it is. And now this woman is telling me "Don't worry, I'm making sure the scans are the best quality" and I'm supposed to just accept it. RIIIIIIIIGHT.

Second, I AM EXTREMELY SENTIMENTAL! Yes, I DO REALLY WANT that drawing you drew when you were two! And you know what? I want my kids to see it...not some scan on  the computer. The tactile part of that is very important to me. Thank you!

SO we had an argument last night and the basic concept went like this "Mom, you told me to move out so I could make my own decisions and decide what I want and now I'm telling you I want this and you are saying you don't care?" "Yes, because I'm doing you a favor..." Say WHAT? Yes, I am serious.

Today we met up for lunch and as soon as we sat down my mom said "Your dad and I prayed about what happened last night and we know that what we are doing and we really know that this is what He told us to do so this is what we are doing." AKA I still don't care what you think. And God is OK with me not caring what you think.

Guess what...FALSE!!! I immediately told her that God tells different households different things and I was now the head of my own household requesting from them the opportunity to have those things. At the very least I wanted that ACKNOWLEDGED.

A few minutes later my mom left to wash her hands and my dad came and sat down and basically said "Did your mom tell you she is going to give you the scrapbooks? She is tearing them up so you won't get them in book format..."

And people wonder why I'm messed up.

Long story short, My sister and I are getting the shrapnel of the scrapbooks. We are getting what we "want"...after we fought tooth and nail for it.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

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