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Your opinion

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I wrote this last night. I have a lot of emotions and decisions going on right now and I went and saw a theatre production at my college. This always seems to raise the level of any emotion. Here it is...enjoy.
Many faceted
Striving to see each other.
When come face to  face with a foreign facet
Become different
Mirroring someone else.
Yet never sees it's true self for the  reflection of the other.
Many facets
Some shining, some dark
Fighting to be seen, but not exposed.
Yet the true self is never seen for the reflection of the other.
Right wrong
Right left
Good bad
Until the true self is lost in the reflection of the other.
Facets covered
Deposits left by proceeding years
grim and gold plating
Covered the true self is lost to the reflection of the other
Facets reaching
Must will be seen
Forgets the other
Takes all facets and
The other cant be seen for the luster of the truth of self.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spoiled Brat Whines Again!

Ok, I have no right to be whining but I can't keep this in anymore and that is why this blog is anonymous.

My family has always been really tight knit and supportive. My siblings and I will do anything to please our parents and be good kids and in return our parents spoil us rotten. Cars for us to use with insurance and gas paid for etc.

Now my parents have decided they are too controlling and we need to make our own decisions. Great, right?!?


This mandate also comes with the reality that we are now responsible for everything monetarily except room and board and if we do not keep the 12 o'clock curfew then we will automatically become responsible for that too.

Ok, fine. I can see it's time and I need to get over it. That isn't what I'm REALLY upset about. What I'm really upset about is this.

Last night I went to the school dance concert. My sister's ballroom group had one debut dance at the end of the show and I showed up to watch her. She and her partner did great. After the show I ran into her partner's parents who are fairly good friends of our family. They haven't really seen us for a few months and know nothing about this new development. His mom and I had this conversation.
 His Mom: Hey! Is your mom here?
Me: Nope, just me.
His Mom: Oh is she ok?
Me: Yes, why?
His Mom: Oh, I just know she isn't the kind of person to miss something like this.
Me: Oh, well, uh, she might come tomorrow night...
Conversation turns to something else.

I don't think I seemed awkward but I FELT awkward. It was the first time I didn't have a sure answer. It was really hard for me.

When my parents presented this to my sister today she said they not only were not listening to her but they had proved they couldn't listen to her and they are only exchanging civilities. She refuses to speak to them.

Just a few minutes ago I asked if my parents were going to go see her tonight and mom said "Nope" and left the room. I immediately went downstairs to my room, frustrated that my mother had changed about that stuff.

And that is what I'm really upset about.

The End.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Morning?

Don't you hate it when the first words out of your mouth in the morning are "oh CRAP!"? I do and that is exactly what I just said.

I was up late talking to a friend who is like a second mom to me. We hadn't gotten to talk for a long time so I didn't get off the phone til I was exhausted.

I was supposed to wake up and be at choir by 7....but I didn't great a0 alarm until my sister's went off at 7:40. "oh CRAP!" Oh and did I mention my choir's big concert of the year is tomorrow? Yeah, smooth move.

So now what am I going to do? The only logical thing yo to do: set an alarm for the time I need to get up for work and pass back out.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Leave Me And My Unicorn And GET OFF My Planet!!!

Ok, so I'm finally breaking down and doing it. I have a blog where I am only positive and here is my blog where I can post my frustrations with stupid things. Not nessicarily bad things, just stupid things.

One of my favorite quotes is "STRESS - The confusion that happens when the mind overrides the body's natural instinct to choke the heck out of someone who really deserves it!"

And that is the tone of this blog.
